Q: What is AdamCon?

A: At it's heart, it's a bunch of cool people getting together to just play boardgames. We also have an amazing raffle with all proceeds going directly to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

Q: How much does AdamCon cost?

A: FREEEE, baby!!!

Q: What days are you playing?

A: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday

Q: What are the hours?

A: Friday 5pm-Midnight, Saturday and Sunday 9am-Midnight, and Monday 9am-5pm.

Q: Will you have board games there, or do I need to bring some?

A: There will be around 200 board games there, so we should have plenty to choose from. That being said, if you have a favorite feel free to bring it!

Q: Is this for ONLY board games?

A: All types of games are welcome! Board games, card games, RPGs, etc.

Q: Will there be vendors or panels?

A: It's not really that sort of convention (yet!), it’s more about playing games with your friends and family!

Q: Will there be food and drink?

A: Our new location has drinks and snacks for sale, and you are welcome to bring in food if you like. We will order pizza for lunch on Saturday and Sunday for everyone!

Q: Can I bring my kids?

A: Sure! There will be games of all sorts of levels, and we want this to be a great place to bring the family.